1. Focus, concentrate and pay attention to the task on hand.
2. Be polite and respectful to others, especially elders.
3. Be a good listener.
4. Put away your toys after playing, do not clutter.
5. Dirty clothes go in the hamper.
6. Brush your teeth upon waking up for atleast 2 minutes and wash your face and eyes.
7. Rinse and clean your mouth after you eat.
8. Always wear clean underwear and socks.
9. Stand up for yourself and your family, do not be a pushover.
10. Don't get into and avoid unpleasant situations.
11. Treat others exactly how you would like to be treated by others.
12. Be kind to animals.
13. If you do not have anything good to say, just don't say anything.
14. Play hard.
15. Do the best you can at every task.
16. Be proud and love yourself.
17. Always listen to suggestions but make your own judgement.
18. Be a leader.
19. Read and comprehend.
20. Have goals, both short term and long term. Work towards achieving your goals.
21. Remember, haste is waste. It takes patience, perseverence and dedication to achieve goals.
22. There is no shortcut to success.
23. If you have an idea, share.
24. If there is something troubling you, talk about it to your mom and dad. If there is no solution there is always a workaround.
25. Be good. God, Ammachi (Grandma) and Santa are always watching you.
26. Always clear your doubts, try to get answers for all your questions.
27. Pay attention when someone is talking! do not interrupt, wait for your turn.
28. Remember to say Please and Thank you.
29. Say hello, Hi, Good Morning or night with a big smile. It makes a difference.
30. Maintain eye contact when talking to someone.
31. Chew your food properly, eat quickly and don't spend too much time at the dining table. Clean up after yourself and put the plates and cups in the sink gently.
32. Drink lots of water and less soda.
33. Thank and pray to God everyday.
34. Have good thoughts in your head.
35. Do not hit anyone or call nasty names.
36. If you get angry or sad about something talk to Mom or Dad.
38. Do not make excuses.
39. Own up to mistakes that you make.
40. Do not fib (lie).
41. Eat healthy food.
42. Learn something new everyday.
43. Remember, Family is the most important thing in the world. School,work and friends come a close second.
44. Be humble.
45. As long as you do the right thing, you don't have to be afraid of anything or anybody.
46. Remember that Mommy and Daddy are your best friends, for life.
47. If we ask questions and sometimes get angry, it is only because we love you and we want the best for you.
48. Be Considerate to other people's feelings.
49. When you feel sad, think of all the people you love and all the good things that has happend in the past. Or, think of something funny, that will make you feel better.
50. If you find difficulty in something, keep practicing and never lose hope.
51. Hope and patience is a good thing.
52. Dare to dream..imagine the impossible and work towards making it happen.
53. Dare to believe.
54.Practice, practice, practice till you become perfect.
55. Don't ever give up.
56. It is better to have tried hard and lost than tried at all.
57. Be alert and quick.
58. Don't let anyone tell you that you are not capable, if they do, prove them wrong.