
This blog is a periodic log of/for my family, especially my 2 young sons, their interests,passions and little anecdotes through this journey of life.


Goal!! Goal!! Gooaall!!

Jay scored his first goal today playing soccer at the all star game at his crestwood soccer club today. His team came second out of 16 teams and won the silver medal. His contribution was his solid defence. With his above normal height he was able to thwart some sure chances for the opposing teams and frustrate them. One of his coaches called him the "Wall". Although this is his first season playing soccer, he has made considerable improvement with his body checking techniques and able to lift the ball above opponents heads. Quite an achievement for a 6 year old. We are really proud of our boy. His all star team members were Nick, Meghan, Luke and Ryan. His team name is Bulgaria. The regular memebers of his team are Christina, Tyler, Lucas, Israel, Jacob.

Pictures to follow!!

Love you Jay...from Mom, Vinny and Dad.


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